November 2014

November 1st, Saturday, Laughing Lizards stage time: 6:30pm to 7:15pm, Magnolia Bluegrass Music Show, West Montgomery County Community Center, 31355 Friendship Drive, Magnolia, TX  77355.  From Houston:  Hwy 249 north to Flashing Yellow light just south of Magnolia.  Turn Right and Community Center will be on the Right.

November 7th and 8th, Friday and Saturday, MillFest, Kanard, TX. OT music.  Bayou Hot Shots Cajun band featured on Saturday evening, Time To Be Announced.  Steve Bing - Master of Ceremonies.  Festival features Old Time, Bluegrass, Bayou Hot Shots Cajun Band, and other traditional  bands and performers.  Music instrument workshops.  Food available for purchase at the festival.   Tent and RV camping on the festival grounds - no hookups.  From Crockett, TX go east on Hwy 7 about 16 miles, festival grounds will be on the right.

November 15th, Saturday, HATDS (Houston Area Traditional Dance Society, presents an evening of "all square dances", called by Steve Bing and others with music provided by the Laughing Lizards.  7:30pm to 10:30pm. (Beginners lessons are from 7:15pm to 7:30pm, dance from 7:30pm to 10:30pm).  St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 1819 Heights Blvd., Houston "Heights", TX 77009. Church is on the corner of Heights Blvd. and W.19th St., Parking is on 19th St.  A square dance callers workshop will be held in the afternoon from 3:00pm to 5:30pm and is open to any contra dance callers interested in learning how to call "squares".

November 19th, Wednesday, Happy Fatz Restaurant, 3510 White Oak Dr., Houston "Heights", TX 77007, starting at 7:00pm. The Laughing Lizards will play all acoustic traditional Old-time Appalachian music and Louisiana Cajun music.

November 24th, MONDAY, Pizza Inn, 1801 Mangum Rd., Houston, Old Time Music Jam held on 4th Wednesdays, 7pm to 9pm

November 27, 28, 29 - Georgia Thanksgiving.  Private function.