October 4th, Saturday, 8:00pm to 11:00pm Laughing Lizards playing the North Texas Traditional Dance Society. This dance will be held at: Carrollton Plaza Arts Center, 1115 Fourth Ave., Carrollton, TX. Caller is Martha Quigley.
October 15th, Wednesday, our regular 3rd Wednesday of the month gig, Happy Fatz Restaurant, 3510 White Oak Dr., Houston "Heights", TX 77007, starting at 7:00pm. The Laughing Lizards will play all acoustic traditional Old-time Appalachian music and Louisiana Cajun music.
October 22nd, Wednesday, Pizza Inn, 1801 Mangum Rd., Houston, Old Time Music Jam held on 4th Wednesdays, 7pm to 9pm
October 25th, Saturday, First Evangelical Lutheran Church, OctoberFest Celebration, Laughing Lizarads stage time TBA but will be somewhere around 12:00 noon, First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1311 Holman St., Houston, TX 77004. Located across from the main entrance to Houston Community College. OctoberFest Celebration will be from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and will feature a Houston-based German dance troup, the Houston International Folk Dancers, and the Laughing Lizards String Band. Beer and Food available for purchase.
October 29th, Wednesday, this is the 5th Wednesday of the month, Happy Fatz Restaurant, 3510 White Oak Dr., Houston "Heights", TX 77007, starting at 7:00pm. The Laughing Lizards will play all acoustic traditional Old-time Appalachian music and Louisiana Cajun music.